Rice - Protection - Thrips

  • 71%
    Acetamiprid 20% SP of Rain Bio Tech of Rain Bio Tech

    PROUD - Acetamiprid 20% SP Insecticide, Effective Systemic Fungicide, Control Aphids , Jassids And White Flies, Ovicidal Property, Stomach Action

    (4.6)  - 17

    7316 25000

    Discount : 17684

  • 50%
    Imidacloprid 30.5% SC of Noble Crop Science of Noble Crop Science

    Bomba Super - Imidacloprid 30.5% SC Insecticide, For controlling Jassid, Aphid, Thrips, and Termites in Various Crops

    (4.8)  - 13

    745 1480

    Discount : 735

  • 35%
    Thrips and Mites Bio Pesticides of Noble Crop Science of Noble Crop Science

    Alpha - Bio and Eco Friendly Remedy for Thrips and Mites Special, Useful For All Agricultural Crops, Based On Advanced Biotechnology

    (4.8)  - 114

    1311 2028

    Discount : 717

  • 27%
    Sucking Pest Controller - Organic of Cropex of Cropex

    Accon Pest Infestation , Organic Pesticide (IMO Certified Product), Best Against Aphids, Thrips, Mites

    (4.9)  - 47

    391 539

    Discount : 148

  • 16%
    Spinetoram 11.7% SC of Dhanuka Agritech Limited of Dhanuka Agritech Limited

    Dhanuka Largo Spinetoram 11.7% SC Broad Spectrum Insecticide, For Controlling Thrips & Lepidopteran Insects

    (5.0)  - 2

    1196 1417

    Discount : 221