Papaya - Protection - Foot Rot

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    Metalaxyl 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP of Rain Bio Tech of Rain Bio Tech

    Rain Metal 72 Metalaxyl 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP Fungicide, Useful Against Downy Mildew, Late Blight, White Rust, Damping Off, Leaf Blight

    (4.7)  - 26

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    Discount : 842

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    Carbendazim 50% WP of Dhanuka Agritech Limited of Dhanuka Agritech Limited

    Dhanuka Dhanustin Carbendazim 50% WP, Broad-Spectrum Systemic Fungicide with Protective and Curative Action

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    877 910

    Discount : 33

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