Bajra - Protection - Stem Borer

  • 35%
    Flubendiamide 20% WG of TATA RALLIS of TATA RALLIS

    Tata Rallis Takumi Flubendiamide 20% WDG, Recommended For Heliothis In Cotton and Rice Stem Borer.

    (5.0)  - 1

    750 1153

    Discount : 403

  • 34%
    Lambda Cyhalothrin 5% EC of Noble Crop Science of Noble Crop Science

    Lamor Pro - Lambda Cyhalothrin 5% EC For Effective Control Of Insects for Stem Borer, Leaf Folder in Paddy, Borers in Brinjal, Thrips etc.

    (4.9)  - 16

    566 855

    Discount : 289

  • 21%
    Larvicide - Biological of Noble Crop Science of Noble Crop Science

    F500 - Larvicide, For Killing All Type of Larva, Spodoptera, Heliothis, Spotted Bollworm, Pink Ballworm, Brinjal Leaf Miner, Sugarcane Bollworm etc

    (4.8)  - 78

    409 518

    Discount : 109

  • 19%
    Thiamethoxam 25% WG of Katyayani Organics of Katyayani Organics

    Katyayani Thiamethoxam 25% WG Insecticide Pesticide for Stem Borer, Gall Midge, Leaf Folder, BPH, Whitefly, Thrips

    (5.0)  - 4

    1122 1380

    Discount : 258

  • 10%
    Chlorpyrifos 50% EC of Bharat Agro Chemicals of Bharat Agro Chemicals

    BACF Cudgel Chlorpyrifos 50% EC Insecticide , Best For Ball Worm, stem borer and leaf roller, and termite control

    (4.0)  - 1

    1206 1340

    Discount : 134