Therapy Thiophanate Methyl, 70% WP, is a systemic fungicide. It has protective and curative action.
It is absorbed by the leaves and roots very fast; hence, it is used in seed treatment, soil treatment, and foliar spray.
Thiophanate Methyl 70% WP.
Therapy promotes healthy crop growth.
It increases the crop yield and crop production.
It is easy to apply.
It prevents various types of infections in crops.
This product helps to restrict fungi growth without damaging the crops.
The supplement provides long-lasting protection to the crops.
It also prevents the loss of the crops.
It is effective against a wide range of fungal pathogens, including Powdery Mildew, Scab, Brown Rust, Leaf Blight, Ring Rot, Anthracnose, and Fusarium Wilt in different types of crops.
Papaya, Apple, Wheat, Tomato, Bottle Gourd, Cucurbits, Pigeon Pea
Wear hand gloves for safety.
Protect your face and body with shield and masks.
Wash your hands after applying the product.
Keep it away from children.
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Foliar Spray : Spray @ 100 to 200 gm per ha. (0.5 g/lit of water).
Seed Treatment: @ 2 to 3 gm/kg of Seeds.
Seedling Dip: Dip the seedlings in Therapy suspension @ 1 - 1.5 g/lit. of Water.
Soil Drench: Drench the soil with Therapy @ 2 - 4 g/lit of water (Flower beds/Nurseries).
Crop | Disease | Method |
Paddy | Blast, Sheath Blight | Seed Treatment/SPRAY |
Chillies | Powdery Mildew, Anthracnose, Fruit Rot | SPRAY SPRAY |
Tomato | Wilt, Damping off Stem Rot, Leaf Spot | Seed Treatment SPRAY |
Potato | Black Scurf, Tuber Decay Tuber Rot, Leaf Spot | SEED DIP SPRAY |
It is used in seed treatment